time .. time .. time ...
izzon my side ..
sorry .. punch drunk from lastnite
Roger Penrose suggests that there are three arrows of time
psychological arrow of time - the way humans hmmm"see" time progressing
entropic arrow of time - things tend to break... entropy increases as time progresses
cosmological arrow of time - relates to the evolution of the universe (big BANG, etc.)
entropic and cosmological concepts are also dealt with in physics
current thinking is to begin with the tenets of special relativity (1&2)
1)laws of fizix are the same in all reference frames (invariance)
2)speed of light is constant in all reference frames
3) (needed for the general theory of relativity) the effects of gravitation
are indistinguishable from the effects of acceleration (equivalence
now given 1) and 2), it can b shown (even by me !!) that one can no
longer have absolute space and absolute time .. rather they
become intertwingled (izzat a word ?) and perceptions
of space and time depend on velocity